5,057 research outputs found

    Labor Relations - Disputes and Concerted Activites - Right of Employees of a Public Corporation to Strike

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    The Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority Act provides that employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. The Transit Authority brought this action to obtain a declaratory judgment that its employees did not have the right to strike. The trial court upheld its contention. On appeal, held, reversed, two justices dissenting. This statutory language has been uniformly construed to include the right to strike. Since this statute dealt only with public employees, the legislature must have intended to grant this right or it would not have unqualifiedly used this language. Moreover, according the employees this right was not an unconstitutional delegation of the state\u27s authority. Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority v. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 54 Cal. 2d 684, 355 P.2d 905 (1960)

    Charles Handbook on Assessment of Damages in Personal Injury Cases

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    This is the second edition of Professor Charles\u27 aptly titled Handbook. The first edition was a simple reprint of a thirty-three page article that was originally published in the Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts, together with the 1978 Supreme Court Trilogy judgements themselves. While it provided a convenient capsulization of the issues, it clearly lacked the depth necessary to deal fully with many of the complexities involved, and the rationale for its publication was questionable (no matter how eminent its author or handsome its presentation, can any case comment really be worth $40.00?). Happily, the second edition has developed into a succinct and accurate enunciation of the established principles of common-law accident compensation in Canada

    Aviation Insurance

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    The first edition of Aviation Insurance was an outgrowth of the author\u27s graduate work at McGill University\u27s Institute of Air and Space Law. Detailed and comprehensive, it filled a noticeable void in Butterworth\u27s Insurance Series.\u27 Dr. Margo has now drawn upon a decade of practice in the field 2 to make a fine book even better

    Minkowski sums and Hadamard products of algebraic varieties

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    We study Minkowski sums and Hadamard products of algebraic varieties. Specifically we explore when these are varieties and examine their properties in terms of those of the original varieties.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    The development of simulation-games to teach evolution to young children

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    This study comprises an attempt to validate two simulation-games designed to teach concepts concerned with the theory of organic evolution to children in the nine to eleven age range. The author discusses the nature of simulation-games and their value in the learning situation, and describes the attempts of other writers to evaluate simulation-games at both cognitive and affective levels. He outlines the development of two games, and describes their evaluation using an illuminative approach consisting of four different assessment procedures. [Continues.

    Taxation-Federal Income Taxation-Examination of Certain Problems Under Section 335

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    Stock and securities of controlled corporations may be distributed to shareholders, tax free, in cases of corporate separations which qualify under section 355 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. A corporate separation is effected by the transfer of part of a corporation\u27s assets to a subsidiary, the stock of which is distributed to the parent\u27s stockholders. Such distributions are generally classified into three categories: spin-off, split-off, and split-up. A spin-off occurs when corporation A forms corporation B to which A transfers certain assets, receiving in exchange, the stock of corporation B. A then distributes the stock of B to its shareholders in the form of a simple dividend of stock. A modified version of this would be a case in which A merely distributes the stock of a controlled subsidiary. A split-off differs only in that the stock of B is distributed to A\u27s stockholders in exchange for some of their stock in A. A split-up takes place when A forms two (or more) corporations- B and C-to which A transfers all of its assets, in exchange for all the stock of B and C, which stock is then distributed to A\u27s stockholders in complete liquidation of A. An alternative method for classifying these distributions would divide them into only two groups-those which are in the form of an exchange of stock (split-up and split-off) and those which are in the form of a simple dividend of stock (spin-off)

    The Madden Julian Oscillation and its relationship with rainfall in Queensland

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    The Madden Julian Oscillation is a large-scale atmospheric phenomenon that is generated above the tropical Indian Ocean. It is associated with large convective systems that propagate eastward across the Pacific Ocean. Since it is an atmospheric event limited to the equatorial domain, it was believed that it has little effect on non-tropical regions. However, recent research found correlations between the positioning of the active Madden Julian Oscillation phase along the Equator and rainfall events northeast Australia. The correlations were significant throughout Queensland. The phenomenon is subject to a study by climate scientists at four Australian institutions. It aims to develop a simple predictive tool of rainfall events that are linked with the active phase of the Madden Julian Oscillation and that is applicable throughout Queensland and possible beyond. The outcome of this research is to be linked with agricultural production systems model in order to help Queensland farmers to better time planting and harvesting, as well as scheduling of contractors whose operations might be delayed by rain

    Extended urbanisation and the spatialities of infectious disease: Demographic change, infrastructure and governance

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    This paper argues that contemporary processes of extended urbanisation, which include suburbanisation, post-suburbanisation and peri-urbanisation may result in increased vulnerability to infectious disease spread. Through a review of existing literature at the nexus of urbanisation and infectious disease, we consider how this (potential) increased vulnerability to infectious diseases in peri- or suburban areas is in fact dialectically related to socio-material transformations on the metropolitan edge. In particular, we highlight three key factors influencing the spread of infectious disease that have been identified in the literature: demographic change; infrastructure and governance. These have been chosen given both the prominence of these themes and their role in shaping the spread of disease on the urban edge. Further, we suggest how a landscape political ecology framework can be useful for examining the role of socio-ecological transformations in generating increased risk of infectious disease in peri- and suburban areas. To illustrate our arguments we will draw upon examples from various re-emerging infectious disease events and outbreaks around the world to reveal how extended urbanisation in the broadest sense has amplified the conditions necessary for the spread of infectious diseases. We thus call for future research on the spatialities of health and disease to pay attention to how variegated patterns of extended urbanisation may influence possible outbreaks, and the mechanisms through which such risks can be alleviated
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